Token Operations

In this section, we will explore the various token operations represented by the standard, which include:

  • Minting
  • Burning
  • Transferring between users

Mint tokens

To mint tokens to some address:

// paste the address where you want to mint tokens to
const mintTo = PublicKey.fromBase58("...")
const mintAmount = UInt64.from(1000)

const tx = await Mina.transaction({ sender: owner, fee }, () => {
  // comment this line if a receiver already has token account
  AccountUpdate.fundNewAccount(owner, 1), mintAmount)

await tx.prove()
await tx.send()

[!IMPORTANT] When a token account is created for the first time, an account creation fee must be paid the same as creating a new standard account.

Burn tokens

To burn tokens owned by some address:

// paste the address where you want to burn tokens from
const burnFrom = PublicKey.fromBase58("...")
const burnAmount = UInt64.from(1000)

const tx = await Mina.transaction({ sender: burnFrom, fee }, () => {
  token.burn(burnFrom, burnAmount)

await tx.prove()
await tx.send()

Transfer tokens between user accounts

To transfer tokens between two user accounts:

// paste the private key of the sender and the address of the receiver
const sendFrom = PublicKey.fromBase58("...")
const sendFromKey = Private.fromPublicKey(sendFrom)
const sendTo = PublicKey.fromBase58("...")

const sendAmount = UInt64.from(1)

const tx = await Mina.transaction({ sender: sendFrom, fee }, () => {
  token.transfer(sendFrom, sendTo, sendAmount)
await tx.prove()
await tx.send()

Fetch token balance of the account

To get token balance of some account:

// paste the address of the account you want to read balance of
const anyAccount = PublicKey.fromBase58("...")
const balance = token.getBalanceOf(anyAccount)

Refer to examples/ to see executable end to end example.