
To create a token manager smart contract, inherit your smart contract from base custom token implementation, or use the FungibleToken directly

import { FungibleToken } from "mina-fungible-token"

class MyToken extends FungibleToken {}

[!NOTE] If you inherit from FungibleToken to override some functionality, you will need to compile both parent and child contracts to be able to prove code for both of them

To deploy a token manager contract, create and compile the token contract instance, then create, prove and sign the deploy transaction:

await FungibleToken.compile()
await MyToken.compile()

const {
  privateKey: tokenKey,
  publicKey: tokenAddress,
} = PrivateKey.randomKeypair()
const token = new MyToken(tokenAddress)

// paste the private key of the deployer and admin account here
const deployerKey = PrivateKey.fromBase58("...")
const ownerKey = PrivateKey.fromBase58("...")
const owner = PublicKey.fromPrivateKey(ownerKey)
const deployer = PublicKey.fromPrivateKey(deployerKey)

const supply = UInt64.from(21_000_000)
const symbol = "MYTKN"
const src = ""

const fee = 1e8

const tx = await Mina.transaction({ sender: deployer, fee }, () => {
  AccountUpdate.fundNewAccount(deployer, 1)
  token.deploy(owner, supply, symbol, src)

tx.sign([deployerKey, tokenKey])
await tx.prove()
await tx.send()

For this and following samples to work, make sure you have enough funds on deployer and admin accounts.

Refer to examples/ to see executable end to end example.